Jun 2023 Engaging Activities for Families Hosting International Students! Hosting an international student can be a truly enriching experience for both the host family and ...
Jul 2021 COVID-19 Policies & International Student Arrival | Dear Angela Dear Angela, We are so excited to meet our new international student but feel a little confused...
Jul 2021 Asian Cabbage Salad & Shanghai-style Cold Noodles | Meals for International Students Cooking is a delightful way of sharing cultures and getting to know your international student, wh...
May 2021 Reflecting on COVID-19: A Year in the Pandemic Life | Cambridge Network Homestay Resilience is an often-used word. However, never in our collective history has the definition been...
May 2021 Planning Your Summer Homestay for International Students | Dear Angela Dear Angela, Summer is supposed to be a time for students to have fun and enjoy new experiences...
May 2021 Cambridge Network 2021 Host Family Appreciation Post! It takes incredibly caring individuals to open your homes and hearts to an international student. ...
Mar 2021 What should host families do with their international student’s stuff when they move out? | Dear Angela Now that daylight savings time has started, and we have entered the final stretch of the school ye...
Mar 2021 What’s in Cambridge Network’s Host Family Agreement? | Hosting an International Student Who really reads ten pages of legalese anyway Well, Cambridge Network really hopes our host famili...
Nov 2020 How to Express Thanksgiving Gratitude During COVID-19 | Dear Angela In psychology research, many health care professionals strongly agree that gratitude is consistent...
Sep 2020 Host Family and International Student Concerns During COVID-19 | Dear Angela Dear Angela, I have been hosting for many years with Cambridge Network and enjoy it tremendousl...