Eight-Treasure Rice – Babaofan 八寶飯 Recipe | Cooking Corner

Happy Rooster Year! This year, Chinese New Year begins on January 27, and it is the Year of the Rooster! Here is a great traditional Chinese dessert you can make with your international student to celebrate the new year! We’ve included directions in both Mandarin and English to help your international student follow along!

食材及調味料   Ingredients & Seasoning

糯米飯材料:  For the rice

圓糯米  Sweet  (or sticky) rice: 2杯    2 cups

水Water: 1.7杯   1.75 cups

Seasoning for rice:

細砂糖Sugar: 3大匙,  3 Tbsp.

沙拉油  Cooking Oil:  2大匙    2 Tbsp.

For decoration:

各式果乾:Any type of dried fruit such as:

紅棗 (Chinese dates),糖豆 (sweet red beans),葡萄乾 (raisins),杏桃乾 (apricots) ,蔓越莓乾 (cranberries), 糖蓮子 (sweet dried lotus seeds)

For filling:

紅豆沙  Red Bean Paste (you can get canned paste in Asian market)

18-20cm大碗  1個  You will also need a large bowl

Step 1

糯米用電鍋煮熟﹐燜十分鐘。 Rinse the rice and drain; put in a rice cooker or pot with water to steam till done.  Let sit for 10 minutes to make sure the rice is soft.

Step 2

水果乾切絲或切片。Prepare the dried fruit by cutting them to similar size

Step 3

取一深碗(可放入六人份電鍋大小)﹐碗內刷一層油﹐將擺飾(櫻桃除外)一圈圈排在碗底。 Grease the large bowl with some cooking oil, place the dried fruit at the bottom of the bowl to create a nice picture

Step 4

糯米趁熱﹐摻入白糖和油﹐攪拌均勻  Put the sugar and some cooking oil into the steamy hot rice and stir till well blended.

Step 5

用一半的糯米飯鋪在擺飾上面﹐ 蓋住所有擺飾﹐一直鋪到碗邊﹔一面鋪一面用木勺把飯沿著碗內緣壓平﹐形成凹狀﹔ 中間填入豆沙﹐另一半糯米蓋在豆沙上面﹐壓平﹐壓緊。 Use half of the rice to cover all the dried fruit and use a flat spoon to press the rice till it is spread evenly over the entire bowl to the rim forming a well in the center for the red bean paste.  Place the red bean paste into the well and cover it with the rest of the sticky rice and press to form a flat surface.  You need to press with some force so the rice will hold its shape later on.

Step 6

電鍋下面墊一個小碟﹐碗放置小碟上﹐加四格水﹐蒸二十分鐘﹔取出﹐倒叩在大圓盤。Put a small plate in the steamer or rice cooker, put the bowl on top of the plate, add water and steam for another 20 minutes.  Take the rice bowl out, let it cool till warm.  Put a large plate over the bowl, turn it around and slide the “rice cake” out.

Happy Rooster Year!!!

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